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White roses
White roses

Monday, November 22, 2010

Olive-Can be grown in Malaysia

It might be hard to belive that olive can be grown in malaysia but the fact is olive is managable in malaysia.My father has planted an olive tree and it is still thriving until now.Some people might not know olive as they might not have seen it before.The scientific name of olive is olea europaea.It is a long lived,evergreen trees(up to 10 m)with narrow leaves in opposite pairs .It produces small white flowers.There are two colours of olive fruits which are black and green.
Mediterranean region and western Asia.Olive is an ancient cultigen with a long history of use by the Assyrians,Egyptians,Greeks,Romans,Turks and Palestinians(with several Biblical reference-the leaves are an ancient sign of peace and goodwill).The production of olives and especially olive oil is a massive industry, still centred in the Mediterranean region but rapidly expanding to other temperate parts of the world (Africa,Australia,South America and California in the USA)
The green or ripe fruits (table olives) or the oil obtained from the fruit pulp
(olive oil)
Olives are propogated from seeds or by grafting.The fruits are too bitter
to eat and have to be processed to make them edible.
Green olives are first treated with lye to neutralise the bitter taste,
while black olives require no such pretreatment.
Fruits of oil cultivars contain up to 40% oil and are cold
pressed.The first pressing is referred to as "extra virgin" or virgin-these oils retain
the flavour of the olives,while refined oils have all  the smells and flavours.

Olives can be stuffed with red peppers,onions or nuts and have numerous uses as snack food and ingredient of savoury dishes.Olive oil is a typical of southern European cooking but has become popular all over the world as premier cooking oil and salad oil.The oil can also be used to treat certain disease and makes the skin smooth when it is been used.

Olives have the highest energy yield of all fruits (up to 200 kcal per 100 g) and are rich in minerals (calcium,potassium)and vitamins.The oil is monosaturated,with high levels of oleic acid.


  1. Salamu aleikum,

    Saya menetap di Amman m Jordan tetapi berasal dari Singapura. Kami mempunyai ladang zaitun is Azraq. Apa yang saya tahu, pokok zaitun perlukan cuaca sejuk untuk beberapa bulan dalam satu musim jadi kalau ditanam di Malaysia tentu jenis zaitun yang ditanam menghasilkan buah yang agak berlainan dengan buah zaitun yang ditanam di kawasan Europah dan Northern Africa & biladi Sham.

    1. Assalamualaikum tuan suad,
      Buleh tolong saya dapatkan keratan batang pokok zaitun.
      Hubungi saya di slatter8@yahoo.com

  2. salam mr wadi,

    Menarik ! di mana dapat benih untuk tanam pokok zaitun?

  3. En. Wadi,
    Very interesting issue on olive. Yes Brazil is now producing olive for oil and got their first harvest this year.
    I am a researcher at UPM. Maybe we can get together to improve olive cultivation in Malaysia.


    1. My name is Ahmad R Wahab and lives in Shah Alam . 3 years ago I brought back a small olive tree in my suite case , about 2 feet high and still survive without the 4 seasons .... no fruit though!

    2. It needs colder season to debunga and make fruit

  4. i am also doing my research on olive cultivation in malaysia, for commercial purposes. i can be reached at 012-3918302 (Hisham). Tq.

  5. Assalamu'alaikum Tuan
    Di mana dapat benih untuk tanam pokok zaitun? dah lama saya berhajat untuk menanamnya

  6. Dear Wadi
    I am very interested to grow Olive Tree in my garden. Do you have seedlings for sale? Your prompt reply is very much appreciated.
    Thank you.

  7. Salam..... saya ada anak pokok zaitun untuk dijual.... whatsapp 0132071229

  8. Salam..... saya ada anak pokok zaitun untuk dijual.... whatsapp 0132071229

  9. Hi Wadi,

    How can I contact you to find out more of what you are doing?

  10. Hi Wadi! Can I know where i can purchase olive trees in Malaysia? I very urgently need to find! Can whatsapp me at 017 3580234 thanks!

  11. Where can I get those seeds..? And how the growing process..? I'm from Malaysia

  12. Hi bossku.. boleh kasi tau boleh dapat keratan bunga zaitun? Sya di Sabah ni ba. email --> johnwillie@gmail.com tq

  13. Hi.. I wld like to purchase olive tree for my home garden.. I just like the color of the leaves

  14. i manage to grow 3 x olive trees. Cultivar from ancient tree of Palestine.
    They are just 6 weeks old.
    The seeds i bought 6 years ago & planted it 2018.
    It supposes to bear fruit within 3-4 years.
    my facebook : baitshifasalam

  15. Can I buy from you? Email me at jacqtay@gmail.com

  16. I wd like to buy olive plant or seed for planting. Where can I buy it. I am from malaysia

  17. Wadi Ibrahim, I read your blog and gather you started this very young. I like to congratulate you on this and keep up the interesting and good work. Good on you mate.
    William (Malacca)

  18. Can olive plant be grow in Malaysia

  19. Well done
    Very informative. Keep it up.

  20. where can I buy the Olive Tree? I am fr Kuala Lumput
